Am I A B***h?

Each week, I provide insightful solutions and practical advice to your most pressing leadership challenges, helping you navigate leadership in your personal and professional life. 


I'm a fun and bubbly person with my team, but I struggle to switch to a more serious or tougher mode when I need to give feedback. It doesn't feel right and I feel like I’m being a b**** then, but equally I don’t want them to not take me seriously when I need them to? 


This is a common challenge for leaders. It’s important to be able to balance a fun and approachable leadership style with the ability to switch to a more serious and assertive mode when necessary.

Here are some strategies that will help:

1. Establish clear expectations always. Every team member needs to know what is expected of them in their role. It sets the foundation for a positive working relationship.

2. Be consistent. If you're known for being fair and objective, your team is more likely to accept and understand your tougher moments. Consistency builds trust and credibility.

3. Build your feedback skills. The ability to effectively give both positive and negative feedback is essential. Reinforce the good stuff you want to see more of and celebrate the achievements. When you need to give re-directive feedback, be specific and listen to their response. Give them the chance to work through their own solutions.

4. Schedule regular one-on-one sessions with team members. These are so powerful! This creates a specific time and space for providing feedback addressing any concerns. By having designated sessions, you separate the serious feedback discussions from the general work environment.

With these strategies, you can find the right balance in your approach and avoid the b**** label!


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